Those with the trait are patient or calm when it comes to handling difficult tasks or working for long hours. The steadiness (S) personality matrix deals with even-temperedness. It deals with charisma, persuasive ability, and the likelihood that someone will look to make connections with others and attempt to be well-liked by a group. The influential (i) personality aspect measures your sociability, and your extraversion to a lesser extent. It can also measure personal focus and determination and normally represents someone who is focused on the end result rather than the journey toward a goal. The dominant (D) personality matrix measures your directness and your decisiveness. The names of the four quadrants explain their traits and general expressions in a personality. Dominance is the top left quadrant, followed by influence at the top right, steadiness at the bottom right and conscientiousness at the bottom left. Once you take the test and see your scores in each quadrant, some will be larger than others to represent their dominance over your personality. This is represented visually as a circular grid that is divided into four people quadrants. The “DISC” in the name stands for the four main personality elements measured throughout the assessment: